Tuesday 23 August 2011







Monday 22 August 2011


Windows 8 is set to hit the prerelease stage over the coming months, according to a blog posted yesterday by Microsoft President Steven Sinofsky.

Though the term prerelease version is a bit vague, Sinofsky is likely referring to the beta of Windows 8 since he said that the company wants to "begin an open dialogue with those of you who will be trying out the prerelease version over the coming months."
Aiming the new blog series, "Building Windows 8," at customers, developers, and users in general, Sinofsky used the post to provide tidbits of information but not much detail yet as he acknowledged that "people express frustration over how little we've communicated so far about Windows 8."
Among other comments, Sinofsky said that "Windows 8 reimagines Windows," however he stressed that the company is committed to supporting Windows 8 on all existingWindows 7 PCs and hardware.
Though the initial blog, "Welcome to Building Windows 8," was short on specifics, Sinofsky promised to reveal more over the next few weeks.
"There is so much packed into Windows 8 and there are so many unique and important lenses through which to view Windows 8, and so we want to be sure to take the time to cover as many of these topics as possible, to build up a shared understanding of why we've taken Windows where we have," he wrote. "So in the next weeks we will just start talking specifics of features, since there is no obvious place to start given the varying perspectives. From fundamentals, to user interface, to hardware support, and more, if something is important to you, we promise we'll get to it in some form or another."
The B8 blog, as Sinofsky referred to it, will be updated on a regular basis as different people from Microsoft share the latest information on the development of the new OS.
"As a team we're all going to participate--many of us will author posts, and all of us will read and take note of your comments on this blog," Sinofsky wrote. "We'll participate in a constructive dialogue with you. We'll also make mistakes and admit it when we do. It is almost certain that something will hit a nerve, with the team or with the community, or both, in the blog posts or in the product, or both."
The new blog series comes at a time when rumors have been flying the past several months over when Windows 8 might debut.

Related stories:
Ballmer: Windows 8 will debut in 2012
Windows 8 to be released to manufacturing by April?
Sinofsky shows off Windows 8 at D9

In May, CEO Steve Ballmer said that the new OS would reach consumers in 2012, though Microsoft quickly shot down his comments. In June, Vice President Dan'l Lewin dropped hints that Windows 8 would launch during the fall of 2012.
A report in June by ZDNet reporter Mary Jo Foley cited a source claiming that Microsoft would release the Windows 8 beta in the middle of September at its Build developers conference. Though that specific date doesn't quite jibe with Sinofsky's "coming months" time frame, Foley's source also indicated that Microsoft would release only one beta, followed by the traditional Release Candidate and the final RTM (release to manufacturing) version a few months later.
Sinofsky demonstrated Windows 8 at the All Things Digital D9 conference in late June. The next major event, he blogged, will be September's Build conference where Microsoft will offer developers more details about the tools they'll need to design for Windows 8.

Saturday 20 August 2011


Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
- Marcus Aurelius

Best Jokes on Life with wife
Life After Marriage
Laloo Yadav...
Best Sardarji Jokes...

(I mean Computer lovers)

You and me...
Computer Professionals..
The days of our lives...
Work Vs Prison

Submit your Favorite Jokes or Cartoon:

(Enjoy some jokes about Sardarjis- a very special community of India. There are tons of jokes about them...because they are happy people and they take everything lightly. Based on the jokes, please do not think that I have no respect or regards for them. If there were 25 people one from each state of India and I were told to make just one person my friend out of them, I would choose a Sardarji of Punjab. This community laughs from heart, helps you whole heartedly and, based on my experience, you can totally count on a Sardarji and trust him.)
(If you are an American, no problem. You can also enjoy these great Blonde Jokes by clicking here!!!)

The intention behind this page was, and still is, to make you laugh. However I know some Sardars may get offended by these jokes so I am going to replace all Sardar words by some imaginary work Pardes. I am sure this will still make you laugh.

Let me know what you think.

Best Pardes Jokes

A Pardes was drawing money from ATM, the Pardes behind him in the line said, "Ha! Ha! Haaa! I've seen ur password. Its 4 asterisks (****)."
The first Pardes replies, "Ha! Ha! Haaa! U R wrong, Its 1258"

A Pardesji called 911 on his cell phone to report that his car has been broken into. He is hysterical as he explains his situation to the dispatcher: "They've stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and even the accelerator!" He cried.
The dispatcher said, "Stay calm. An officer is on the way."
A few minutes later, the officer radios in. "Disregard." He says. "He got in the back seat by mistake."

Three dead bodies turn up at the mortuary, all with very big smiles on their faces.
The coroner calls the police to tell them what has happened.

"First body: Frenchman, 60, died of heart failure whilst making love to his mistress. Hence the enormous smile, Inspector", says the Coroner.
"Second body: Scotsman, 25, won a thousand pounds on the lottery, spent it all on whisky. Died of alcohol poisoning, hence the smile."
The Inspector asked, "What of the third body?" "Ah," says the coroner, "this is the most unusual one. A Pardes, 30, struck by lightning."
"Why is he smiling then?" inquires the Inspector. "Thought he was having his picture taken."

Click here for More Sardarji Jokes...page 2
(Following few jokes contributed by Ram Varu)
Help, the titanic is going to be drowned! Everybody in the ship is shouting,crying,running or praying to god. Just then an Italian asks the nearby Pardes in the ship.
Italian: How far is the land, from here?
Pardes: Two miles.
Italian: Only two miles? Then Why are those fools making noise. I have got the experiance of swimming even more.

The Italian jumps off the ship into the sea and comes up to the surface to ask something again.
Italian: Just tell me which side, is land two miles from here?
Pardes : Downwards.

Pardes to sunita: I want to marry you.Sunita: But I am one year elder to you.
Pardes: No problem, then I will marry you next year.

Two Pardess went to a pub and after ordering two beers took some sandwiches out of their pocket sandwiches started eating them. " you can't eat your own sandwiches in here" Complained the pub owner.
The two Pardess then swapped(Exchange) their sandwiches.

Once upon a time, a Pardes saw a boy who wore his cap backwards. Pardes felt that this was a new fashion, and he also decided to wear his pagdi facing the wrong way.
While he was on his way to his office, another Pardes saw him and asked; " Pardes aa rahe ho ke ja rahe ho" (Pardes, are you coming or are you going?)

A Pardes was very fond of sensational and detective novels, but he always started reading from the middle. A friend of his asked why he did so?
"it's doubly intresting",said the Pardes. "to start from the middle keeps one curious not only about its end but also about its begining."

A Pardes walked up to the front desk of the library and said, "I borrowed a book last week, but it was the most boring I've ever read. There was no story whatsoever, and there were far too many characters!"
The librarian replied, "Oh, you must be the person who took our phone book."

A Pardes and a American were taking a stroll when the American suddenly said, "Oh, look at the dead bird."
The Pardes looked skyward and said "Where, where?"

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Pardes Dhakaal Singh is big hunter. Once he went to a zoo. At that time a big tiger escaped from its cage. The zoo officials sent everyone out form the zoo and closed the main gate. Now the tiger is inside the zoo wandering freely.Zoo people requested Pardes to be inside and trap the tiger in cage. Scared but to avoid insult he went into the zoo in his jeep carrying big gun.
While driving on one of the zoo's roads, he noticed that the tiger is chasing him. Feeling scared he drove the jeep fast but only to observe that the tiger is very near to the jeep. At that time the road separated into two paths ahead, one to the left and other to the right.
Then cleverly dhakaal put the left indicator on and turned the jeep to the road on right. The tiger runs into the left path. With a sigh of relief, he drove forward. After some time the roads meet and the same situation arises again. once more the road divides into two and this time our Pardes is smart enough to put the right indicator on and turned to left.This time the tiger goes into the road on right side.
After some time the roads meet again to our Pardes's misfortune and the tiger starts to chase him again. This time the road never divides and our Pardes thought the tiger would catch him. Then a brilliant idea struck his mind. He slows down his jeep taking it to the left corner of the road. Then he held his hand outside and he gives signal which is given for vehicles which want to overtake. The tiger this time overtakes his jeep and runs forward.
ANSWER BELOW............

MORAL: "There are Pardes Communities in Tigers too".

A Pardes with two red ears went to his doctor. The doctor asked him what had happened to his ears and he answered, "I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang - but instead of picking up the phone I accidentally picked upthe iron and stuck it to my ear." "Oh Dear!" the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But .. what happened to your other ear?"
"The scoundrel called back."

A Pardes sees lot of guys running on the highway. Asks a bystander as to why are the guys doing what they are doing.
The bystander,"A Marathon race is going on.
Pardes : What do they get from that?
Bystander : The winner will get a prize
Pardes : Then why are the others running?

The doctor told Pardes that if he ran eight kilometers a day for 300 days, he would loose 34 kilos.
At the end of 300 days, Pardes called the doctor to report he had lost the weight, but he had a problem.
"What's the problem?"asked the doctor.
"I'm 2400 kms from home."

Pardess Hari Singh and Gani Singh are in a railway station.
Hari Singh asks the clerk: "Can I take this train to Ludhiana?"
"No," answers the Railway man.
"Can I?" asks Gani Singh.

Pardes is trying to commit suicide on the railway tracks and he takes along some wine and chicken with him.
Somebody stops him and asks "kyon bhai ye sab kyon leke baithe ho?"
Pardes replies "Saali train late aati hai kahin bhook se na marjaun"

Pardes got the 4th child. He fills data in the birth certificate
"Mother:Sikh. Father: Sikh. Kid: Chinese."
"How come you write "Chinese" when both parents are Sikh?"
" Aah, Pardes read a newspaper, it says that every 4th person born on the Earth now is a Chinese."

Two dogs, Rubi and Moti, and a Pardes were sent to the outer space. The ground control issues commands "Rubi!" "Woof!" (its the barking sound)
"Press the red button." "Woof! Woof!"
"Woof!" "Press the white button." "Woof! Woof!"
"Pardes!" "Woof.""Stop barking, feed the dogs and don't touch anything!"

Pardes is in Delhi. He is walking on a street which has a Clock Tower when someone asks him if he wants to buy the clock on the Tower. Pardes says "Yes".
"Give me a thousand rupees and I'll go get a ladder."
The man took the thousand and disappeared. Having waited for several hours the Pardes figured he was taken for a ride.
On the next day the Pardes is again walking along the same street and the same man asks him to buy the clock. "Give me a thousand rupees and I'll go get a ladder."
The Pardes gives him the thousand and says "I am not a fool.This time, you wait and I'll go get a ladder."

DOUBLE DECKER BUS RIDE. Santa Singh and Banta Singh landed up in Bombay. They managed to get into a double-decker bus. Santa Singh somehow managed to get a bottom seat, But unfortunate Banta got pushed to the top.
After a while when the rush was over, Santa went upstairs to see friend Banta Singh. He met Banta in a bad condition clutching the seats in front with both hands, scared to death.
He says, "Arre Banta Singh ! What the heck's goin' on? Why are you so scared ? I was enjoying my ride down there ?
Scared Banta replies. "Yeah,but you've got a driver.

Click here for More Pardes Jokes...page 2

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